Forward your learning experience
Exam preparation in a flexible, efficient and customized manner
Hybrid learning model
Exam preparation package of course videos + group session + 1 to 1 consultation
High quality videos & quizzes
The course videos are aligned with your actual course schedule with clear examples and illustrations. You can easily follow the videos at your own pace and revisit them anytime. Weekly quizzes are also designed from past year questions to help you fully understand the contents.
Discussion & Whatsapp Group
There will be a WhatApp group created to further clear your questions. Also, discussions among students are highly encouraged. You can also use the discussion board for questions regarding the videos
Group sessions & 1 to 1 consultation
There will also be 2-to-3-hour group sessions organised days before the actual exam to go over more practice questions and your questions. You can also arrange private sessions if you need personal help.
Great flexibility & Competitive price
You have the ultimate freedom to choose whether you only want the videos or you also want the group session and/or private sessions. There is a great flexibility. The sessions are also charged at very competitive prices.
Our Most Popular Courses

Management Accounting Past Year Paper Practice Session Recording
This is a recording of the session happened on 24th Wednesday 4pm Amsterdam Time and take about 2 - 2.5 hours. It will go through past year Management Accounting questions and your personal questions for the remaining time. It is suitable for the Management Accounting Course for the Business Administration and Business Economics Programme from the University of Amsterdam.

Management Accounting Variance Analysis Live Session
This is a recording of a live session happened at 22nd Monday 1pm Amsterdam Time and it is about 2 hours and 15 minutes. It contained everything about Variance Analysis with the practice from past year paper. It is suitable for the Managment Accounting Course for the Business Administration and Business Economics Programme from the University of Amsterdam.

UvA Business Administration Management Accounting – [Free Trial]
This free trial covers high-quality videos and practice questions for the first two parts of week 1's content of management accounting.
Find out your own study method
Studying is not about spending a lot of time. Instead, the most important thing is to figure out a study method that works for you.

We will arrange a short dicussion with you after your registration to understand your issues with the subjects you are struggling with and come up with suggestions based on your personal circumstance.
You can communicate with us at anytime if you feel the learning material does not work for you. We will discuss with you to make a timely adjustment. Fundamentally, we want to help you in an efficient manner.
Even though we have prepared high quality videos and practice questions, fundamentally you need to put in your own efforts to pass the exam. We can help you study efficiently but nobody can pass the exam without any efforts.