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Our Most Popular Courses
UvA Business Administration Management Accounting – [Courses only]
This course contains high-quality videos, practice questions and the access to WhatsApp group for additional Q&A
UvA Business Administration Management Accounting – [Free Trial]
This free trial covers high-quality videos and practice questions for the first two parts of week 1's content of management accounting.
Management Accounting Variance Analysis Live Session
This is a recording of a live session happened at 22nd Monday 1pm Amsterdam Time and it is about 2 hours and 15 minutes. It contained everything about Variance Analysis with the practice from past year paper. It is suitable for the Managment Accounting Course for the Business Administration and Business Economics Programme from the University of Amsterdam.
Management Accounting Past Year Paper Practice Session Recording
This is a recording of the session happened on 24th Wednesday 4pm Amsterdam Time and take about 2 - 2.5 hours. It will go through past year Management Accounting questions and your personal questions for the remaining time. It is suitable for the Management Accounting Course for the Business Administration and Business Economics Programme from the University of Amsterdam.